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Who we are

Spark in the Dark is a production company from South Africa, committed to creating spaces for creative connections. We produce award-winning plays, as well as host new material nights for theatre-makers and writers to try new work.


Play Things

​Play Things is a platform for performers, writers and theatre-makers to share new work in front of a live audience. Founded by Jon Keevy as the Alexander Bar & Theatre’s experimental space, it was the springboard for many future productions. We offer audiences a bouquet of performances, artists both up-and-coming and established have graced our stages, from Lauren Beukes to Yaaseen Barnes, and many more.


We host various writing and creative workshops on a wide range of topics such as: storytelling, clowning, stand-up comedy, poetry, clowning and more.
Many of our workshops are open to the public. We also host private workshops for development and team building.


Dog Rose

Dog Rose follows mother and daughter, Rose and NIna, as they navigate their tumultuous relationship during Nina’s final year at high school. Can a possible diagnosis of Autism explain Rose’s eccentricities?

The play raises awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorder, which has historically been mis-diagnosed in women and girls.


Directed by former Standard Bank Artist of the Year, Jemma Kahn, Dog Rose stars Sophie Joans, alongside award-winning actress Anthea Thompson.

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